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4A Unit4 I can play basketball.
2015-12-13 14:50:50   来源:   点击:

 (Period 1-story time)
宁界小学 曹娜
一、Teaching Aims.1.Enable children to know the words: basketball, swim.
2.Can listen ,speak, read the sentences: Can you…?
Yes, I can./No, I can’t. Can XXX …? Yes, he/she can.
No, he/she can’t.
3.Can understand the phrase and the sentence: play basketball very well
Have a try.
4.Can use the words: Nice! Cool! Great!
5.Can understand the story and can read it.
二、Teaching points.
1. Can listen ,speak, read the sentences: Can you…?
Yes, I can./No, I can’t. Can XXX …? Yes, he/she can.
No, he/she can’t.
2. Can understand the story and can read it.
三、Teaching Aids.
PPT , cards
四、Teaching procedures
Step One: Warm up
T: Good morning, boys and girls.   Ss: Good morning, Miss Ding.
T: Sit down, please.                  Ss: Thank you.
2.Free talk and review
1) T: Look! What’s this?            S1:It’s a monkey.
T: Do you like monkeys?         S1:Yes, I do.
T: How about you?              S2:…
(若孩子不能回答,就问问题Do you like monkeys?)
[此时渗透How about you?/ What about you?为课文学习作铺垫]
2)T: I have a rubber. Do you have a rubber?    S3:Yes,I do.
   T: I have some grapes. Do you have any grapes?  S4:No, I don’t.
   ①[T: What do you have ?          S4: I have a/an…
     T:Do you have any …?          S4:Yes, I do.  继续追问数量]
   ② [T: What do you have?      S5:I have some …
T: How many …s do you have?    S5:…]
3)T:Boys and girls, I like grapes. Do you like purple grapes? Ss:…
   T:  Can you sing the song? (师领唱,同桌面对面击掌伴奏)
Step Two: Teaching Process
1) T: Boys and girls, look here. I have a ball, a basketball.
[T “basketball”板书,标注音标,配备相应图片,同桌击掌练习朗读]
T:Boys and girls, can you guess, what are we going to learn today?
You can tell me in Chinese.  …
2) T: Let’s look at the screen—our learning aim. (师生共读)
3)T:Before class, let’s play a game. Stand up,please.
   T: If you can do it, you say “yeah,yeah,yeah”.
     If you can’t do it, you say “No,no,no”. Understand?
   ( 游戏过程中,教授单词swim)
4)T:If you can speak English, if you can sing and dance, if you can play sports. You can join our Super Kids Club. Do you want to join it?  Ss:…
   T: Can you play sports? Later , we will enter the sports time.
     Can you read?      We’ll enter the story time.
     Can you act?       We’ll enter the show time.
5) T: First, let’s enter the sports time. Let’s go. [PPT]
     Let’s sing a song first. “I can skate and I can jump”
T:Boys and girls, I can play basketball. Look!(做投篮手势)
①T: Can you play basketball?   S1:Yes, I can.
T: Show us how to play it.     S1:Look!
T: Cool.
②T: Can you play basketball?   S2:No,I can’t.
  T: It’s OK.(没关系。) Have a try.(试一试。)
【T “have a try” 师示范动作,投篮姿势,生学】
(Ask and answer with partners ,then act them out.)
6) T: Boys and girls ,story time is coming.
Look at the pictures, try to ask.(自主提问,培养孩子大胆提问的能力,可以用中文提出,老师顺势翻译。若孩子不会,师可提出几个供生回答,整体感知课文内容。)
T:Good!Let’s watch the cartoon and answer my questions. [师读题目]
T:The boy plays basketball well.Look at the picture. Do you know them?(Yao Ming and kebi)
   They play basketball very well. [T “well”]
T: Look at this picture. Who is the man?/Who is he?   Ss:…
Yes,he’s Mr. Sun Yang, the Olympic Games swimming champion.
He swims very well. I hope you study very well.
【由第三个问题的答案He can play basketball very well.教授play well,play very well.拓展由奥运游泳冠军孙杨图片引出swim very well】
7) T: OK. Next ,let’s read and choose.
T: Open your books ,turn to page 24.
  Read by yourselves and then choose the answer.
  Pay attention to the learning tips: When you are reading, please circle the key information with your pencils.
8) T: Boys and girls, next, let’s listen and repeat.
Step Three: Practice
9) T: Can you read it now? Le’s try.
Four people in a group, choose a way you like to read the story.
①Read in roles  ②Read together  …
   Please pay attention to your action and face expression.
10) T: Boys and girls, the last stop is our show time. Who wants to try?
     Choose a way you like to read the story.   …
     Do you have any different ways?
Step Four: Consolidation
11) T: Oh. It’s 9:00 o’clock in the morning. Wang Bing, Liu Tao and Mike are in the playground. What happened?
Let’s have a look.(PPT)
Step Five: Summary
12) T: Boys and girls, What did we learn today? Let’s try to summary.
Step Six: Homework (choose two of them)
①Listen and read the story ,try to recite it.
②Act the story in groups
③Make a new story by imitating the text.
Step Seven: Blackboard Design 
Unit 4 I can play basketball.
   Who?                 Can/Can’t?            生词导航:
 Wang Bing头像             √            basketball 篮球图画
   Mike 头像                √           swim     游泳图画 
Liu Tao头像               ×           play very well
                                          Have a try.
  知识目标基本达成,知识的细化还得加强操练,语言的灵活运用等都需要巩固操练。对于“打篮球”play basketball, 孩子就以为“游泳”就也是play swim, 需要加强引导。对于Can you …?句型的回答,还得加强操练,孩子由于第一、二单元对于Do you …?句型的回答Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.所以接受新知识时,依然会用原来的回答来答新问题,需要加强引导和操练巩固。
  个人状态不是怎么好,可能有些紧张,上课速度稍快了些,以致于后面的环节,都呈现了作业后,选择其中第3个作业进行交流、试编故事。虽然临场反应好些,但是由于课前没有预设,没有准备好孩子练习对话的句型、单词引导。所以对于孩子来说,来试编困难了些。所以出现了play swim/run等语言错误,知识的引导,对于中年级孩子来说,依旧需要板面。
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